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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
♥ 7:04 PM

okay. today dun feel so lazy liaos. must update blog =x i not like rachel liddat. everyday blog de hahas. =x hmm. i got a nightmare today. yet, the nightmare seemed to teach me sumthing. hmm. it started as if my family and i were on a holiday at what-so-ever-island which looked like genting and singapore mixed =). then my siblings and i were bored. so we went back to the hotel room. there was this game in the PS2 ( wonder how it ever went inside there?) which had shooting and.. a planting of a bomb. hmm. den it dunno how change into me going 'inside' the game. and become me planting the bomb in the building. then there was this police patrol car, which obviously i shot it with my wadeva gun (cant remember.) and it exploded (how? dun ask me). den i planted the bomb and released 4 gas tanks, made it leak. hmm. then at the last part. somehow the bomb did not go off, and that the police somehow found me. and then the feeling of regret (in the dream). den after that...i was like caught by police..den proof. wake up. ehh..seemed very real sia. even the sweat while planting the bomb, when i 'thought' i was dreaming. it seemed real though. hahas.

then today, i was playing on this NS server, [SGNS] server. brought to u by unnamed-sg there was those fkn noobs playing in there, go and say i hack. __ them. then i asked.
"what hack i use?" and their LAMEST answer was :"aimbot =)"
WTF? I aim zhun say so lar! say me use aimbot. walao. den i say :" u see unnamed-sg in spec mode? go ask him spec me. see whether i hacking la!"

pissed off.. after being DC-ed off the server for abt. 5 times, i played alone in the server for 30mins until unnamed joined me. hahas. killing bots was the easiest thing ever. 88 kills to 0 death =D hahahaha. when playing with those noob humans : 53kills to 7 deaths =D. after that 40 mins game with bots, i was told by unnamed that i will be the server admin! =D =D
so funn. server admin. but he told me not to abuse the power. and i wouldn't =). hmm.

today so long post cos i 5 days nv post le. so must compensate =x btw.. the dream, made me understand this : do things which u will NOT regret, else its hurtful
"Do the right thing at the right time"


Thursday, October 26, 2006
♥ 2:56 PM

hmm. today's school can be described in 1 word : B-O-R-I-N-G. Reason is because for the first 4 periods, WHAT THE **** are we doing? TOTALLY NOTHING (except playing) =X. i rather stay at home on my comp =) my pangya Senior lerhs. Too high le. my skill only can be Junior E =x haiyo.. i hate class cleaning most =) wad for clean? when after 2 months of holidays, dust all stack up again.. haiz.. oh well. i guess it should be O-K.
after school, i went to the foyer for some ************** briefing, for extra activities coming up for..november =.= total waste of time.

~in misery~ Due to last day of school of 2006, gonna miss all the short-pants-ed boys =( and all the classmates, next time u see me, i'm in long pants already.. All the best, take care.


Saturday, October 21, 2006
♥ 4:50 PM

Sorry i haven't been posting these few days. On wednesday, we took back our home economics paper. i got a shocking 92 / 100 for the paper. (ZAP. got 5 electric shocks). after which, nth happen. we just keep playing and lazing around. NPCC = HeLl. we were supposed to be released at 4.45PM, after the total defence silver. but we had fkn master parade. on thursday, waste time in school =). Nowadays very short blog entries eh? ya i noe =p


Tuesday, October 17, 2006
♥ 2:35 PM

taken back science paper this morning.. 89/100 final mark. after an addition of 3 1/2 marks. =p section A 37 /40.
section B 24.5/30 (worst)
section C 27.5 / 30
that was for science paper. and for literature period, i listened to songs on my handphone, which i placed inside my bag, and laid my head on it =)

thats wad happened to me, today, which i feel like sharing =p rest are hidden!


Monday, October 16, 2006
♥ 3:36 PM

Aiya, sian. today recieve sooo many papers. first period was the bloody history. and when teacher ask me to copy the stupid SBQ, i just write main point. nv write anything else =p
heck la. history get 74. 1 MORE MARK! den can get A1. can boost my MSG. -_- oh wells. i didnt expect 74 marks anyways =p haha. i didnt even freaking study. den PE, we wasted time at our class, and giving out the NAPFA badges.. What for? lol. i got a silver (my very first silver okay? big deal to me) lol. den for maths, we had mass checking (which sux big time). i tried looking for marks and couldnt find any. oh well. quite nicely done.. 83 marks. hmm.. after the damned mass checking, another one came, LiTeRaTuRe. OMGG. i was sooo scared. when i looked at my foolscap with test paper on top. i slowly reavealed. and was more and more frightened. it looked to me like a 14, but luckily it turned out to be 64. phew. later, i added 1 mark and got 65 =D stupid teacher. count also count wrongly =p hahas. my art was HORRENDOUS. 50 marks. OMFG. nahs. expected it =p. bleahs =x off to pangya =D


Friday, October 13, 2006
♥ 1:27 PM

Haiz. this is damned shit. i got a mere 36 .5 marks over a possible 60! omg.. thats like.. 60.83% OMFGG. THATS SOOOOOO LITTLE!! argh! nvm =) at least i passed xD. sooo boring. played pangya for awhile. den i went to sleep. i set 2 alarms at 6PM and 6.05PM, but i heard none. and if they're not heard, they'll keep ringing for 3 mins, and 8 mins intervals. weird, i slept through them all. i was like *deafened* when i'm in sleep in the afternoon? o.O. While playing pangya, got another HIO =) wee. in the night, bro and sis fought again..haiz


Thursday, October 12, 2006
♥ 7:09 PM

Just to have some fun, to brighten my this old, dull blog, i dunno what to do sia. so i think its okay, to er. paste my games pictures here?
devil : " Of cause its okay man! look at ur blogskin! freedom of (speech) pictures! u blind?
me : " grrr...."
oh well. being lame.
this one is done by me, NO HACK. YAY. 11th HIO xD. i had an eagle too, but nv take screenshot. weee HIO xD. got 2 today. wee. so happy. brighten my day. any pangyasea players? i'm getting bored playing without friends. jeremy plays it, but he doesnt want to play with me >.<


♥ 5:48 PM

I feel like changing my blog url.. doesnt quite suit me anymore.
yes i still do have a few close friends, but i learnt. so i am changing my blog url. maybe to sumthing i like. i haven't thought of the blog url.

anyways. i want to work =/ my mum is looking for pple to join her, but i have to wait till the holidays, which doesnt have that high of a pay ($750) for 3hrs work daily, 6 days a week, 4 weeks a month.. haiz.. well.. i'm going off to play again! cya...


Wednesday, October 11, 2006
♥ 2:35 PM

WEE. exams all over. as usual, came home and played games :) so. while playing (any pangyasea players?) i saw this hacker. His score is almost impossible to get. -36, with a total of 8000 ++ pangs. godly. woo. how i noe he's a hacker? hmm. usually, to get this kind of scores, he have to do LONG CHIP IN-s, known as LCI's. den look at this next image . not that i am jealous or anything. if he could really achieve something that great, well i should be happy for him. at look closely at the picture. his longest chip in is only 10 Y plus, which means that the other chip ins, are NOT recorded. why? simply. HaCk. =) in case u cant see the pictures clearly, i have circled it. not clear enough? the clearest already.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006
♥ 2:22 PM

AHHH. finally. my mum has returned the router (connects to the internet,) thats why i wasn't able to post the past few days. oh wells. today's home economics paper was ****ed up. crappy setter =D. from the papers i've done, i can say that i'm not pleased with myself (due to playing too much =D) muhahahaha. lol. who cares. exams are over. the last paper is tmr.
nvm, i dun think i have to drop so far down, until i have to take art for sec 3 =P
haiz. freaking stomachache. since yesterday, grr....


Monday, October 02, 2006
♥ 11:36 AM

Omg. just realised i was unable to post the last 2 days.. -_-" oh well. today..exams have really started. and i am still playing on the comp =D i think i will post those questions of which i don't know how to do, onto the other posts =D. i woke up at 8.30AM, played Pangya for 30 mins (6 holes) and then went to shower. after which, i walked to the bus stop. while waiting for the bus to arrive, 176 from the OTHER side came and choon chor and shawn came out of it. they shouted :"NOOB!" and so i shouted back :" Who are you calling a noob, Noobs?"
muhahaha. shortly, my bus came and i went to school to collect maths things. (no regrets :P)


Anything But Ordinary - Avril Lavigne